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Fight Like A Brave / Red Hot Chili Peppers

All you slingers and fiends
Do La
Hide behind your rocks
Put down your gloves
Do La Sol Re
I'm not here to box
This is no showdown
Do La
So throw down your guns
You see it doesn't matter
Do La Sol Re
Where you come from
You could be from Park Ave
Do La
Or from a park bench
You could be a politician
Do La Sol Re
Or a bitchy princess
But if you're lookin' for a fist
Do La
And you're lookin' to unite
Put your knuckleheads together
Do La Sol Re
Make a fist and fight
Not to your death
Do La
And not to your grave
I'm talkin' bout that freedom
Do La Sol Re
Fight like a brave
Fight like a brave - don't be a slave
Sol Re
No one can tell you you've got to be afraid
If you're sick-a-sick n tired
Do La
Of being sick and tired
If you're sick of all the bullshit
Do La Sol Re
And you're sick of all the lies
It's better late than never
Do La
To set-a-set it straight
You know the lie is dead
Do La Sol Re
So give yourself a break
Get it through your head
Do La
And get it off your chest
Get it out your arm
Do La Sol Re
Because it's time to start fresh
You want to stop dying
Do La
The life you could be livin'
I'm here to tell a story
Do La Sol Re
But I'm also here to listen
No I'm not your preacher
Do La
And I'm not your physician
I'm just trying to reach you
Do La Sol Re
I'm a rebel with a mission
Fight like a brave - don't be a slave
Sol Re
No one can tell you you've got to be afraid
Fight like a brave - don't be a slave
Sol Re
No one can tell you you've got to be afraid
You say you're running and you're running
Do La
And you're running afraid
You say you ran across the planet
Do La Sol Re
But you couldn't get away
The fire in your brain
Do La
Was driving you insane
You were looking for a day
Do La Sol Re
In a life that never came
So don't tell me that
Do La
I've got to take a number
Cause I've been to that doctor
Do La Sol Re
And believe me that's a bummer
He's one of a kind
Do La
Convention of the mind
And don't forget to mention
Do La Sol Re
That it doesn't cost a dime
Come as you like
Do La
And leave any time
And one more thing
Do La Sol Re
You know it doesn't have to rhyme
Fight like a brave - don't be a slave
Sol Re
No one can tell you you've got to be afraid
Fight like a brave - don't be a slave
Sol Re
No one can tell you you've got to be afraid
Fight like a brave - don't be a slave
Sol Re
No one can tell you you've got to be afraid
Fight like a brave - don't be a slave
Sol Re
No one can tell you you've got to be afraid

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