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(i migliori accordi per chitarra, dal 1764!)

Accordi di 80 odd hours di Skydiggers
Accordi chitarra crd lyrics tab spartiti chords testo tablature per Skydiggers 80 odd hours (no suoneria cellulare telefonino)
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Skydiggers... Altri accordi di Skydiggers...
80 ODD HOURS - SKYDIGGERS (from Just Over this Mountain)
(When I saw them play this, Peter Cash had his guitar capoed at the 4th fret.
When strumming the G chord, periodically lift and hammer down on the 6th
and 5th strings. The chord changes are fairly slow leaving a lot of open
strings being strummed. This is from memory, and just the acoustic so
feel free to E-mail any corrections or comments.(sans castigation please)
Have Fun.
David Bruce - 3hem(at)
I've got (G) 2000 miles til I'm (G) home.(fast C optional then back to G)
I got (C) eighty odd hours til I'm (G) home
I've smoked (C) 2 packs of (G) cigarettes, I've heard (C) 25 (G) tapes
I still got (G) 80 odd (D) hours til I'm (G) home.
I've got pictures of my girl who's at home
I've got pictures of my girl who's all alone.
I've drank 12 cups of coffee, read four magazines
Still got 80 odd hours til I'm home
I said Mr. Bus driver could you go fast?
Cause Mr. Bus driver I'm fading fast.
I've been trying to write a letter, cause I just can't forget her
Would you tell me that we're just minutes from my home?
Well out the window I see things I've seen before.

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Testi Brani Accordi Canzoni Autori Italiani: 0..9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Testi Brani Accordi Canzoni Autori Stranieri: 0..9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z - Cerca 2023 - Accordi Chitarra Musica Canzoni - Privacy e Cookies - Contatti, suggerimenti brani, correzioni accordi, ecc...