(accordi chitarra, versione mobile)

Testo e accordi

Seven Days - Sting

"Seven days" was all she wrote
Re# La#
A kind of ultimatum note
Sol Fa Faadd9
She gave to me, she gave to me
When I thought the field had cleared
Re# La#
It seems another suit appeared
Sol Mi
To challenge me, woe is me
Though I hate to make a choice
Re# La# Sol
My options are decreasing mostly rapidly
Fa Faadd9
Well we'll see
I don't think she'd bluff this time
Re# La#
I really have to make her mine
It's plain to see
Mi Mi7
It's him or me
Fmaj7 Fmaj7/F# G
Monday, I could wait till Tuesday
Mi7/Sol# Lam
If I make up my mind
Famaj7 Sol Mi7/Sol# Lam
Wednesday would be fine, Thursday's on my mind
F#7-5/nr Am F#7-5/nr
Friday give me time, Saturday could wait
Fam Domaj7
But Sunday'd be too late
The fact he's over six feet ten
Re# La#
Might instill fear in other men
Sol Fa Faadd9
But not in me, The Mighty Flea (flee?)
Ask if I am mouse or man
Re# La#
The mirror squeaked, away I ran
Sol Mi
He'll murder me in time for his tea
Does it bother me at all
Re# La# Sol
My rival is Neanderthal it makes me think
Fa Faadd9
Perhaps I need a drink
IQ is no problem here
Re# La# Sol
We won't be playing scrabble for her hand I fear
Mi Mi7
I need that beer
Fmaj7 Fmaj7/F# G
Monday, I could wait till Tuesday
Mi7/Sol# Lam
If I make up my mind
Famaj7 Sol Mi7/Sol# Lam
Wednesday would be fine, Thursday's on my mind
F#7-5/nr Am F#7-5/nr
Friday give me time, Saturday could wait
Fam Domaj7
But Sunday'd be too late
La# Domaj7
Seven days will quickly go
La# Domaj7
The fact remains, I love her so
La# Fa
Seven days, so many ways
La# Domaj7
But I can't run away
Fmaj7 Fmaj7/F# G
Monday, I could wait till Tuesday
Mi7/Sol# Lam
If I make up my mind
Famaj7 Sol Mi7/Sol# Lam
Wednesday would be fine, Thursday's on my mind
F#7-5/nr Am F#7-5/nr
Friday give me time, Saturday could wait
Fam Domaj7
But Sunday'd be too late
Do I have to tell a story
La# Domaj7 La#
Of a thousand rainy days since we first met
It's a big enough umbrella
La# Domaj7 La# Do
But it's always me that ends up getting wet

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This file is the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the song. You may only use this file for private study, scholarship, or research.

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