(accordi chitarra, versione mobile)

Testo e accordi

Everybody Needs Somebody To Love  -- Blues Brothers

#chords: E, A, D, A -> Asus4 -> A

We're so glad to see so many of you lovely people here tonight, and we
would especially like to welcome all the representatives of Illinois'
law enforcement community that have chosen to join us here in the
Palace Hotel Ballroom at this time. We sincerely hope that you all enjoy
the show and please remember people, that no matter who you are, and
whatever you do to live, thrive and survive, there are still some
things that make us all the same:
you, me, him, them -- everybody, people, everybody!

Everybody needs somebody
Everybody needs somebody to love
Someone to love (Someone to love)
Sweetheart to miss (Sweetheart to miss)
Sugar to kiss (Sugar to kiss)
I need you, (you) you, you
I need you, (you) you, you
I need you, (you) you, you in the morning
I need you, (you) you, you when my soul's on fire

#change: C#m, A, C#m, B
Sometimes I feel, I feel a little sad inside
When my baby mistreats me, I never never have a place to hide, I need you!


Sometimes I feel, I feel a little sad inside
When my baby mistreats me, I never never have a place to hide,
I need you, (you) you, you
I need you, (you) you, you

#rap: no chord
You know people when you do find somebody, hold that woman, hold that
man, love him, hold him, squeeze her, please her, hold, squeeze and
please that person, give 'em all your love, signify your feelings with
every gentle caress, because it's so important to have that special
somebody to hold, kiss, miss, squeeze, and please.

Everybody needs somebody
Everybody needs somebody to love
Someone to love (Someone to love)
Sweetheart to miss (Sweetheart to miss)
Sugar to kiss (Sugar to kiss)
I need you, (you) you, you
I need you, (you) you, you
I need you, (you) you, you in the morning
I need you, (you) you, you when my soul's on fire

Date: Fri, 19 Apr 1996 13:19:05 +0100
From: stu30230(at) (Jochim Selzer)

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This file is the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the song. You may only use this file for private study, scholarship, or research.

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