(accordi chitarra, versione mobile)

Testo e accordi

Ayo Technology . Milow

Sim La Sol

She work it girl, she work the pole She break it down, she take it low
She fine as hell, she about the dough
She doing her thing out on the floor
Her money money, she makin' Look at the way she shakin'
Make you want to touch it, make you want to taste it
Sol La Sol
Have you lustin' for her, go crazy face it
She's so much more than you're used to
She know's just how to move to seduce you
She gone do the right thing and touch the right spot
Dance in you're lap till you're ready to pop
She always ready, when you want it she want it
Like a nympho, the info
I show you where to meet her
On the late night, till daylight the club jumpin'
La Sol
If you want a good time, she gone give you what you want

Baby this a new age, You like my new craze
Let's get together
Maybe we can start a new phase
The smokes got the club all hazy, Spotlights don't do you justice baby
La Sol
Why don't you come over here, you got me saying
Sim La Sol
Aayooh, I'm tired of using technology, Why don't you sit down on top of me
Sim La Sol
Aayooh, I'm tired of using technology, Why don't you sit down on top of me

In her fantasy, there's plain to see Just how it be, on me,
La Sol
backstrokin', Sweat soaking all into my set sheets

When she ready to ride, I'm ready to roll
I'll be in this bitch till the club close
What should I do, one thing on all fours
Now that that shit should be against the law
Different style, different move,Damn I like the way you move
Girl you got me thinking about,
All the things I do to you
Let's get it poppin' shorty We can switch positions
La Sol
From the couch to the counters in my kitchen
Baby this a new age,You like my new craze
Let's get together
Maybe we can start a new phase
The smokes got the club all hazy, Spotlights don't do you justice baby
La Sol
Why don't you come over here, you got me saying

Sim La Sol
Aayooh, I'm tired of using technology, Why don't you sit down on top of me
Sim La Sol
Aayooh, I'm tired of using technology, Why don't you sit down on top of me

She wants it, she wants it
La Sol
She wants it, I got to give it to her
She wants it, she wants it
La Sol La Sol
She wants it, I got to give it to her? I got to give it to her

Baby this a new age,You like my new craze
Let's get together
Maybe we can start a new phase
The smokes got the club all hazy, Spotlights don't do you justice baby
La Sol
Why don't you come over here, you got me saying
Aayooh, I'm tired of using technology,
La Sol
Why don't you sit down on top of me

Sim La Sol
Aayooh, I'm tired of using technology, I need you right in front of me

Pagina normale (non mobile) di parole e accordi per Ayo technology Milow (clic qui)...
Accordi chitarra crd lyrics tab spartiti chords testo tablature per Milow (altre canzoni) Ayo technology Milow autore

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This file is the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the song. You may only use this file for private study, scholarship, or research.

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